How in the world is my baby ONE already?!!! Cue the tears!
Since moving to the farm, we went with a cowboy themed party and it turned out so stinkin cute! I mean not everybody has mini ponies, donkeys, and goats at their disposal so why not live it up! And cmon baby + pony = cuteness on a whole other level.
Richard made the pallet wall by attaching four wooden pallets together, wood pallets are so great for diy's because most businesses will just let you have them for free! The wall totally added to the rustic charm for our cowboy theme. I made the wagon wheels from hula hoops and masking tape and then spray painted them brown, and viola our table instantly looked like a wagon!
Holts Look:
Whenever we travel the kids love to get "shirley temples" so we thought this would be a perfect treat for the party, and ALL the kids enjoyed!
Isn't my family CAUUUUTEE?! I might just be a tad biased. lol!
Despite his hesitation at first, Holt thoroughly enjoyed his first sweet treat!
We went with a taco bar, and it was one of the easiest and yummiest party meals we have ever done! Everyone loved building their own tacos!
We also had a dessert table, complete with rice crispy "haystacks", brownie "mud pies", licorice "TNT" bundles, horse suckers, and cowboy cupcakes.