Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Latest centerpiece

My wonderful sister picked up this peacock feathered branch for me and my amazing husband brought home these fresh cut peonies after a crazy day yesterday. What a precious and thoughtful family I have! Thanks you guys!


Anonymous said...

Love! As always ... Hehe -- I feel like I'm starting to sound like a broken record in my comments. ;)

C'est La Vie said...

i totally love that! what a perfect original way to brighten up a room :)

thank you for stopping by, your blog is fabulous!



Awh that's adorable. Looks lovely too. I got peonies brought home to me last week too. Enjoy them!

Poppies and Sunshine said...

I've been seeing peacock feathers around and wanted to buy some. This is a great idea to display them! I love the Audrey Hepburn picture too :)

A Flair for Vintage Decor said...

I think flowers do wonders for a room!! And how sweet of your hubby:)

Unknown said...

LOVES IT!!!! .. i love FEATHERS in centerpieces - mixed with flowers?! - YUM YUM YUM .. i like anything that is the 'unexpected'

~Tiptoe Butterfly~

carolyn said...

so sweet! i'm still waiting for peony season to come into full swing... lucky girl!

walrus studio said...

you've trained your husband well!! ;)

Shannon @ What's Up Whimsy said...

Oh peonies! I love them. And very cool peacock feathers. I love the vases - where did you get them?

hip hip gin gin said...

Lovely! Peonies are my favorite flower, so pretty. And husbands who bring them home are the very best!

Welcome said...

Leah, I love the centerpiece but i especially love that art you have hanging in the background.


Amanda said...

Peonies are such pretty flowers - the colours of the ones your husband bought you go beautifully with your table runner x

Carpe Diem said...

Yes, thoughtful.... beautiful.

Ling said...

u got a beautiful home and an even more beautiful family! =)

Unknown said...

Way to go fam! They both brought you some pretties! I heart peonies! Loved your home tour on Made By Girl too!

Unknown said...

Love your centerpiece! I am so into peacock feathers as well...great family :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Leah. I found your blog over at Made By Girl. You have such great style! I'll be following ;)


Cashon&Co said...

Oh that whole vignette and that room is so colorful and fun and full of style! love the way the peacock feather adds height and another dimension! what a nice sister!

Cashon&Co said...

Oh that whole vignette and that room is so colorful and fun and full of style! love the way the peacock feather adds height and another dimension! what a nice sister!

Cashon&Co said...

oops! that published twice! but what i wanted to add is that the picture of your son reaching up on the green chest on your sidebar is PRICELESS.....
makes me smile every time I see it. :)