Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Here are some pretty pics for your viewing pleasure this fine Tuesday. Anyone want to have a pretty party like this with me?

via Nonpareil


jeanette from everton terrace said...

Lovin' that wedding. Tiffany blue, what's not to love. I think the vintage looking brooch on the ribbon at the bottom of that cake is genius.

Maddy said...

I do, I do!!! That blue cake is just gorgeous!!

Ariane said...

Turquoise and pink- my faves! I NEED those candle sticks!

Hope you are doing well, my dear!


Carly {Honey and the Moon} said...

I'm totally there for that party! xo

Kiri said...

Goegeous! I love that cake and the candlesticks! Have a great day Leah :)


Kristen said...

Count me in anytime!

Anonymous said...

That blue cake is gorgeous! I love everyone of these photos!

Jade @ Flip Flops + Pearls Design said...

I would definitely go to either of these parties!! Beautiful!

Fargerike Dagny said...

I'm in! All we need now are some gorgeous cupcakes!!


Jen said...

Those color combos are gorgeous! I n.e.e.d all of the cake plates on the buffet pronto!

Anonymous said...

That buffet is adorable.

And thanks for commenting on my blog!! You have a very nice piece of blogland too...
I'll be back,

Lulu said...

I want to come to the party!! LOVE the colors, so beautiful!

Will @ Bright.Bazaar said...

Those blue and white options at the top are a delightful little colour combo!

Will @ Bright.Bazaar said...

Those blue and white options at the top are a delightful little colour combo!

christine, just bella said...

Yes! Pretty please. I'd love to go to a party like this, the details are fabulous!!

MrsFord said...

the answer is yes. i would pretty much punch someone for a peony and a slice of pink cake. :)

My Owl Barn said...

That blue cake is just gorgeous!

ashlina {the decorista} said...

turkwaaz and silver. my fave combo!!! oxox

ashlina {the decorista} said...

turkwaaz and silver. my fave combo!!! oxox

Stephanie said...

Just found your site - love it! These images make me want to have a party!

Unknown said...

Okay - I am seriously in love with this post - everything about it!!! I LOVE COLOR!

k said...

i'm there :)

Nicki said...

love that color theme!

Connie @ SogniESorrisi said...

So pretty!

Brandi@ Flights of Whimsy said...

Yes, I'll bring the champagne you bring the cake!

Olivia @ Swan White Curtain said...

I am RSVPing to the pretty party! Off to find a ruffly dress. :o)

Poppies and Sunshine said...

I love all these colors. What a fun party this would be! Count me in!

Molly Page said...

Yes, please. I've gotta get myself some of those glitter candles.

Unknown said...

Yes please!


melli said...

gorgeous!! you know how much i love that color XX

Unknown said...

I'd love a pretty blue party... especially with those glittery candles!

Annie said...

really pretty :) Haven't been to your blog in a while (sorry!) and I love the "new" header