Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Pretty Please!

I am totally copying Ashlina from The Decorista but I just had to do a submission too. Totally a shot in the dark but why not, right?!!! I have always thought it would be fun to enter a decor contest so I would be over the moon if you all voted for me! Thanks a million!
Vote here The Selby CB2 In your place contest.


Lulu said...

Oh so awesome, good luck!!

Sharstin said...

i am voting now! that is awesome girly!

Anonymous said...

I did! Good luck, Leah. xoxoxo

k said...

you'll win, no worries:)

Fran said...

Leah, I just voted! You go girl!! Hope all is well!

Anonymous said...

Good luck! I voted!

Ariane said...


Together We Save said...

Love it!! Heading over to vote now!!

MrsFord said...

YOURE SO GOING TO WIN! Keep on rockin in the free world baby.

Shannon @ What's Up Whimsy said...

I love that worthy of a win! Good luck!

Kristen said...

you got my vote darling!

Anaiz said...

Good luck, I'm totally voting!

Unknown said...

How cool! i'll going check out the contest and go cast my vote for you :)

Rachel- Once Upon a Farm said...


Krysten @ Why Girls Are Weird said...

Off to vote lady!

Lulu and her whimsical ways! said...

I voted for you! I LOVE your blog! xx

naphtali said...

I LOVE your style. Will vote!! {Good luck sweetie!!} xx,

René said...

OK girlie - I just voted for you.


Val said...

Good luck! I'll definitely vote! BTW I just listed your blog for the lovely blog award. If you'd like to participate please visit to repost.

firepages said...

I totally voted for you! Good luck!