It baffles me how painting my chairs white turned into a whole mini makeover! It seems like thats what usually happens, I change one thing and then I need to change everything to match the thing I changed. It started out by wanting to take the red out of our dining room so I painted the chairs white and then switched the curtains to
West Elms Ikat curtains. Then I decided that the black on the walls was too harsh and the multiple prints was too much. So I painted the stripes white and figured a way to "copy" an amazing horse canvas from Z gallerie that you can see
here. I did a little research and found that
Kinkos prints the biggest/cheapest/best quality for large pictures. I chose a picture, that my sister took, of my parents horse named Jock and Kinkos took care of the rest. They even put it on a cork board for me so it is nice and sturdy. I wanted it to be framed to give it that finished look and I remembered how I'd seen other people make frames from molding from a hardware store.
It sounded simple enough...
Did I ever tell you guys when I ran over our kitchen cabinets when they were drying in the garage? Well I did and amazingly enough they were hardly even scratched, I joke with people that I was testing the quality! Anyways that's what happend when we came home from church on Sunday and both Richard and I were super bummed. But nevertheless my sweet hubby ran out to get the supplies and made me another one! It was a pretty easy project besides the fact that we had to do it twice!
What do you think?!!!
BTW now we have a solution to our forgetfulness, if something is drying on the floor of the garage we hang down a piece of flagging to remind us not to pull in. I highly recommend! ; )