Wednesday, June 30, 2010


I love that we share the same love for black. I mean how can you go wrong?!!
What a great vintage tee!
Her family always seems to have this relaxed rocker chic thing going on. I absolutely love it!

My goodness her abs, make me want to get off my hiny and actually work out!!!

Thanks to Jill, an amazing follower, who helped me put a name and date to my random postings and shout outs to my celebrity favorite. I thought the name was so cute and this celebrities style totally rocks so why shouldn't I have a whole day on my blog to check out her killer sense of style and family cuteness?!!!


Krysten @ Why Girls Are Weird said...

My goodness what a gorgeous family they are. Love Gwen!

Lauren said...

What a perfect title...I let out a little bust of laughter! Happy Gwensday!

jemina said...

I love her mucho too, love gwensday, xoxo

Cassie said...

Gwen is a doll. Totally love her.

Shannon @ What's Up Whimsy said...

Hahaha, great name! And I'm with on the did she have two children??

Unknown said...

Yup, can never go wrong with black...Happy Gwensday! Too funny!

Connie @ SogniESorrisi said...

Love them! How fab are her shoes in that first photo?

Jill@Barnes Yard said...

LOVE it! And I love her bangs!

Welcome said...

hey, i am loving your new meme!! and Gwen is really looking so much better - more motherly and womanly that she has in the past...


Ludmila {} said...

I love Gwen's collection of sunglasses and I'm actually pretty jealous! loving her style and always red lipstick!

Carpe Diem said...

She has a great sense of style that seems to emulate who her...Have you checked out her fashion line?

Anonymous said...

Gwensday! Love it! So catchy!

Unknown said...

I love Gwensday!!!! and omg her style couldnt be anymore perfect. I LOVE everything she ever wears, and her entire family is so cool!

Unknown said...

Hehehe, I love the title. =)

Anonymous said...

Serious family cuteness!

hip hip gin gin said...

They really are the cutes, coolest little family around! Love her!!

J. said...

I loveee her! And, that body after two babies?!!?!

Mande said...

Love Gwen!!! She really is a cool rocker mama!

k said...

she is pretty fab, and they are an awesome couple...still married and everything!

Kristen said...

Love the Gwensday post and it's new name!

Jennifer Young said...

new blog follower :)

Annie said...

Love Gwen!