Monday, August 9, 2010

Monday at My Home

Well these past couple weeks have been a whirlwind but I am glad to be getting caught up on a lot of things. I have been struggling with sadness off and on but I just have to give it to God because he is the one to lean on to help me get through the day. It has been wonderful taking time to just get to love on my sweet Evelette after the miscarriage. Last week we went up by the Seattle area and hung out with Richard while he was on a business trip. I did plenty of shopping and laying by the pool! So nice.
Here's some photos of what we have been up to....
I rearranged Evelette's room, It needed to be tweaked a little bit since we got the new amoire.

My hubby and I went a little nutty and got new bikes and trailer/stroller for Evie so we could all go bike riding together. We went riding that same night after going to two different Fred Meyers (a one stop shop) three times that day to get the right ones cause they were having an amazing sale. Evelette was kinda tired cause it was her bedtime but she still had a blast.

Cousin Olivia just had to try it too!

She was also tickled about her new princess helmet.

I made some super yummy cupcakes this weekend! I have been wanting to make some for a while now since I got these cute cupcake liners at Joannes. I think these would be cute even with little tea lights in them for a party or something!

via Leah


Mary said...

Awesome bicycles! My boyfriend and I have beach cruiser bicycles that are similar to yours, except mine is black with pink rims. We love them and have so much fun riding around on them!

Rachel- Once Upon a Farm said...

Your bikes are so cool and I'm so excited for you guys! Too, too cute! The cupcakes are AMAZING and tasted sooo yummy too!:) Love you!

Sharstin said...

what a fun weekend! lots of lsying by the pool and shopping is the way to go! the room looks great, as do theose cute cupcakes! and love the new bikes.:)

Ariane said...

Evelette's room looks wonderful! Also, I <3 the family bike riding!

Will @ Bright.Bazaar said...

Well done for keeping strong, Leah. Those cupcakes look soooo good!

Carpe Diem said...

Thanks for sharing pics of the finished product...the bedroom looks great.

jemina said...

Evelette's room is so cozy, and those bicycles are soooooo cute!!! how adorable!!! thanks for sharing sweetie, and wishing you and your loved ones the loveliest day :)) xoxo

Unknown said...

Love your bikes! My husband and I have been talking about getting cruisers and doing evening bike rides with our son :) So much fun :)

Your cupcakes look darling

Anaiz said...

LOVE your new bike! The cupcakes looks so cute, like flowers :)

The Everett Seven said...

The cupcake liners are so cute! I would make your nanny's bran muffins in them! It would feel like such a treat to have such a beautiful breakfast every morning.
Your bikes are really cute too!

Kristen said...

Love the bikes! My Fiance and I were just talking this weekend about getting some bikes of our own. Those cupcake liners are ADORABLE!!!

Jade @ Flip Flops + Pearls Design said...

Looks like a fun weekend! The cupcakes look yummy!

Kiri said...

Hi Leah! I love your new pink bike! So adorable! And speaking of adorable, your little one is so cute on the back of your hubby's bike! You are still in my prayers and I'm glad you have lots to keep you busy during this time. Talk to you soon!


carla said...

LOVE the cupcake cute!

Lenore @ Lather. Write. Repeat. said...

Great bikes! I love the cupcake liners too...


Brandi@ Flights of Whimsy said...

I love your pink bike! Evelette is getting so big. I'm glad you're starting to feel better and making the most of life!

Naomi@DesignManifest said...

So sorry for your loss, sweetie. I'm glad your getting exercise and having fun.

And, I must say, Evelette's chairs are adorable!

Susan said...

All looks such fun. Love the cup cake liners - d'you think I can find those in London?

avant garde design said...

so glad to see you are feeling better, it must take time, but evelette is your inspiration to smile. ;) love, love, love those bikes, mine is older now and i'm in the market for a new bike, hmmmm. enjoy! (oh and those cupcake liners are the best: )

firepages said...

Shopping, laying by the pool, and sweet cupcakes... where can I sign up for that kind of weekend? It sounds like your family had a blast. I am just learning how to ride a bike. I'm a roller skating gal all the way!

Unknown said...

Wow - a lot going on for you! Looks like a lovely weekend!

christine, just bella said...

I'm in love with your bike. Why is that everything is better when it is pink?

Brittney Lynne said...

First of all, Evelette's room is SO cute like that! She must be special huh? It's more grown up looking instead of the nursery it was before... A perfect transition for a growing girl;) I think that is the key to decorating kids' rooms; creating a space that can grow with them so that tons of $$$ doesn't need to be spent as they transition from baby to childhood. And second of all but just as important, those bikes are the coolest bikes I have ever seen! Your vintage looking pink bike will make all the girls jealous as you ride around town! I bet they would make for an awesome black and white old fashioned photo too! I love Monday posts:)

naphtali said...

The room is perfect. :) And as for those cupcakes....YUM!

keely @ luxe + lillies said...

Could you be any cuter.. I think not! Those cupcakes... and your little family is absolutely gorgeous!

Gorgeous Glam said...

How presh are the bike pics!! You are so strong and it is encouraging to read your words! Blessings to you doll, xoxo

k said...

that armoire goes so well! i love your bike :)

melli said...

firstly i must say i LOVE love your daughter's room and those cupcakes look gorgeous cute to strong sweetie and things will get better and as for that bike How cute!! take care sweetie mwah melli XX

Unknown said...

I bet Evie loved every minute of her ride! What pretty cupcakes too! Praying for you girl, this too shall pass. God has his perfect plan for you. =)

Anonymous said...

Love your little girl's room! I'm so very glad you stopped by my blog....made my day!

Great blog as well...I'm now a follower!

Miles Of Style said...

i love your nursery room. we're planning a baby next year and i am so looking fwd to designing a nursery ! i add everything inspiring that i come across and these pics are certainly going into my folder. thanks so much for sharing!


Unknown said...

So great! All of it! And now I want to go bike shopping (and eat cup cakes!)

Cassie said...

I hope you enjoyed your time while you were up in the Seattle area! Our weather has been pretty mild this last week and I've rather enjoyed it. I hope you're starting to feel better soon.

And love your cupcake wrappers! So stinking cute!

MrsFord said...

a) you and your hubby look a lot like me and mine, its kind of freaky!
b) your love of God and family is so beautiful and so is your blog
c) oh man your daughters room is beyond fabulous!

alison (semi-fab lane) said...

you're right to let god handle the difficult times and it looks like it's working for you. i've been thinking about getting a bike and i think i saw the one you got, so cute!

claire said...

Oh my! So adorable those cupcake liners! :)

Angie said...

How cute are you two with your bikes!! ;)

Alex {Things That Sparkle} said...

love your little girl's room. so adorable and glamorous :)

Danielle said...

Oohh... I love the pink bike! We've been talking about getting bikes for the longest time and after seeing this post I'm feeling motivated. Do you know how long the Fred Meyer sale was going on for?

Those cupcakes are so adorable!

Annie said...

such cute cupcakes!