We had our ultra sound this morning and saw and heard the heartbeat. After all the struggles with miscarriages, it was such a miracle to get to see that.
If you have wondered why have been MIA it's because I am so nauseous! Just looking at my desk makes me sick but I am hoping to feel better soon (Lord willing). It is nice to know that I am sick for a reason though and it will be well worth it!

Due Date September 9th!
Leah. Beautiful news. Congratulations to you and your family. Rest and hopefully the nausea will pass soon. Sinead x
Congratulations! That is so exiting!!!! xoxo Marie
That is wonderful news!! Congratulations!
congrats!!! THis is such wonderful news, you and your little one will be in my prayers for a safe and healthy pregnancy
congratulations!!! awesome news!!
Congratulations, what exciting news!!!
I am thrilled for you!! It is a great sign that you are feeling queasy...rest, relax and get ready for the ride of your life with two little ones!
congratualtions!!!!! Leah so happy for you..Luv melli xx
Congrats Leah! So exciting for you and your family :) Hope you feel better soon, but you're right...it will be well worth it!
Such amazing and exciting news!! Congrats sweetie!!!
That's so exciting! Congratulations Leah! I'm so so so happy for you! I wish you and your family nothing but the best and I hope this pregnancy is easy!
PS My cousin is prego with their 2nd ad her due date is Sept 6!
Congrats! So happy for you!!
Eek! That is so exciting. Congratulations!
Yay!!!! Congrats my dear!!! Xoxoxo
Congrats! So exciting. Hope you feel better soon!
Oh sweet goodness, Congrats. That is BIG news.
I SO had a feeling after seeing your twitter this morning! CONGRATULATIONS!! Praying for a happy, healthy pregnancy for you girl!
Congrats! That is really exciting, I hope you get feeling better soon. September is a great birthday month, most of my families birthdays are in September.
thats wonderful news!! send some baby dust my way!! my husband and i are trying!!! Collette
wonderful news!
Yeah! I knew we would hear good news soon! Tell Richard we said Congrats! We are so happy for you.
OMG Leah That is Amazing news- congrats to you and your expanding family! XX Samantha
Big CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! too bad I can't play with font size in this box. I'd make that Congratulations huge!!! I'm so happy for you! What a precious tiny peanut. xoxo
Congrats Leah! What an amazing blessing!!! I hope your sickness is soon gone and that you can just enjoy being pregnant!!
Such exciting news!! Congratulations!!!
Congratulations!!! I'm so excited for you! Hope you feel better soon!
leah! that is such great news! so excited for you and your fam! hope you are feeling great~
How exciting!!!! I'm so happy for you!!! Being sick is AWFUL, but it is supposedly the sign of a healthy baby. Best wishes for a healthy pregnancy!
Oh Leah, that is wonderful news. I am so happy for you as I know what a struggle this has been for you. Big hugs xx
My sincerest congrats! I am so very happy for you! I hope you have a very healthy pregnancy!
How wonderful...congratulations!!!!
Congratulations!!! I'm soooo happy for you!! Hopefully morning sickness will go away soon :( Hang in there!
Congrats Leah!!
awww.... Yay!!!! Congrats! I'm so happy for ya... I hope you start feeling better soon :-)
WHAT?!?!?!? Woot to the Hoot! Nursery over here!!!
Congrats girl!
Oh Gorgeous Girl...Congratulations!!! So happy for you both...are you going to find out what you are having?
Hope the morning sickness subsides and that you start to feel better soon.
Sending big hugs your way X
So happy for you Leah- a giant congratulations and many many hugs!!! xo
Aw Leah i'm so so stinkin' happy for you :)
congrats. Hope you get to feeling better stat!
Congratulations!!! I hope you start to feel better soon.
So exciting!!!! Congrats girl, the being sick stinks, but like you said totally worth it!!!
This is the best news ever! I'm so happy for you and your family!! Congrats! XX
OH Leah, this is the sweetest news! Congratulations!! I'm so very happy for you. Hope you feel better soon! Hugs to you! xoxo
NO WAY!!!! super exciting! Congrats to you, hubby and Evelette!
Congratulations Leah! Ooh I'm so excited for your family!! Hope you get feeling better soon! But, like you said, at least you know it's for a (wonderful) reason!
You deserve all of the happiness in the world.
Yay! Yay! Yay! :)
I am sooooo glad you're pregnant!
Congratulations Leah! That is wonderful news! I was wondering why you were a little quieter around here than normal. Hope you start feeling better soon. Best wishes for a lovely pregnancy! oxo
Hooray, Leah! That is just amazing news! Congratulations! :)
sweet mama!!! Yay!
I am SO SO happy for you girl!
p.s. ask for zofran! it SAVED my pukies!
Congratulations, wonderfully exciting news!!!!
Lulu :)
CONGRATS honey! I am SO EXCITED FOR YOU! That is such amazing news. Prayers headed your way for a safe and healthy pregnancy! Can't wait to journey along with you during this exciting time in your life :)
How exciting Leah!!!! I hope the nausea passes soon:)
have the cravings kicked in yet?
Yay! Congrats! I'm so happy and excited for you!!!
Congrats! now that's how you start a great year! Hope the nausea will be soon gone! and even if not, take care of you, you're in a precious state!
Aww, Leah! How exciting!! Huge congratulations to you, girlie. Hope you're feeling well!
That's wonderful news! Congratulations! Best of luck on this new chapter :)
Good for you! We already know that you make pretty babies. Hope you are feeling well.
Oh my goodness, I can't believe I missed this yesterday! CONGRATULATIONS LEAH!! I am so happy for you!
And I hope the sickness subsides :)
I missed this until just now! Congrats Leah - that's such great news! xx
Congratulations!! So happy for you :)
Congratulations!! How wonderful :)
Congrats...to all of you.
Congratulations!!! How very exciting! Hope you're feeling okay! Hugs xoxo, Annemarie
Yay!! Congratulations!! xo-Terri
Biggest congratulations!! Another little blessing from God :)
WOOOHOOO!!! So glad to hear the great news, I actually wondered if you were prego as you weren't blogging much. I was praying for you, will continue to do so for a healthy and wonderful pregnancy!!!
I am new to your blog. Congratulations to you! I hope you feel better soon.
OPMGOPMHOPMHPHPMHPM. i am chatching up on blogs today and just saw this!!!!!!!!! been praying for you!! so so so so happy to hear this yayay. the lords timing is so much better than our own! :)
woohoo!! i'm so happy for you! take care of yourself and your morning sickness-i know it can be draining and with a little one who needs your attention too, ugh:)
I am a little late to the party, but congratulations!!! How exciting!! I hope you are feeling better soon!!
Congrats Leah!!! I am so happy for you and hope the sick feelings pass. Yay!!!!!
God bless you and your family! I'm truly happy for you!
Oh, my! It's so wonderful to see this picture and to know it's your baby! It's the best feeling in the world! I'll be praying for you and your baby.
Luciane at HomeBunch.com
congrats..you are so blessed :))))
congratulations precious!!! you and your family deserve all the best, this baby will totally bless your home!!! xoxox
Congrats Leah!! I have been wondering! I hope your feeling more like yourself this week.
So I just let the cat out of the bag that I am pg also. I am 21 weeks along due June 9th. Very excited to be a first time parent!
I TOTALLY MISSED THIS POST!!! Oh my goodness, congratulations!!!!!!!!
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