This time of year I really crave some sunshine and some fresh flowers, or in this case some fresh plants. So a couple Saturdays ago we decided to go plant shopping. While we were there these cute little succulents caught my eye. There are so many different kinds, with ones varying from lush and leafy to "out of this world like" and spiky. I grabbed a variety and decided to make my sister, mom, and myself arrangements. I didn't see any pots that I liked at the Home depot (which is where we got the plants) so I decided to go to my fail safe, the internet. I found some cool marble pots on amazon but they arrived broken, to my great disappointment. So I finally set out to find the perfect ones in "the real world".
I ended up finding these cool textured silver bowls from home goods. The width and depth were great because succulents don't need a lot of soil but I could still put several in each and they would be shown beautifully! The only thing I didn't care for was the color so I sprayed them with a quick coat of metallic gold spray paint and they turned out so pretty! Hopefully I have inspired you to add some greenery to your own home!
I will also be posting a YouTube video of what I did here that will go into more depth. So make sure to check it out!