So I know you are all dying to know how jury duty went. Well it was a little less Carrie Bradshaw and a little more crazy lady singing in the corner putting a puzzle together. The best part was, that we were all dismissed after only a couple of hours. So I didn't have to be away from Evelette for very long. The thought of being apart all day was harder than I thought it would be! Okay enough of that mushy stuff! : )
On to a stunning home tour.... I am like the flame to the moth,
Moth Design that is. Erica the genius behind it all is a fellow amazing Mommy. How she finds time to do everything with 5 boys is beyond me! Lord bless her!
Can you believe her house? It looks like it should be in a shelter mag for sure!
Pristine white foyer.

Oh so chic home office!

A beautiful vignette in her bedroom.

The sun room, where she used two twin mattresses for a day couch! Genius!

And finally the outside patio where blue and yellow make the perfect cheery combo!

Thank you Erica for letting me gush about and show off your amazing home!
Moth Design