Thursday, May 27, 2010

One thing to change it all

See our lovely new kids table my mom brought us from the GW? (That's what my family calls the Goodwill) Pretty hideous right?!!! Hello I am going to paint it of course but it has me a bit stumped. It has been almost two months of blogging and one of the things I love about it is, how you can ask people's opinions and you get a ton of feedback! Love all the different ideas that come in. So I need all of your wonderful, beautiful, refreshing, and needed advice again. What do I paint this little treasure and can a leave it right here in the middle of the room? I can't think of any other place to put it. If you have been to my house in person this might come a little easier to you.
The one idea I have had is to paint the table a chalkboard black paint that Evelette could draw on and then paint the chairs a different color like perhaps yellow. If I did yellow though...

Would I need to add more yellow to the room? Like new yellow and white striped curtains? Ikea sells pretty affordable fabric to make them.

Would yellow stripes look okay with the whole room? A little circus like? It could go either way cool or crazy.
Help people! I am open to other color options too!


Rachel- Once Upon a Farm said...

I think the spot is perfect for the table! I love your idea to paint it with black chalkboard paint too!! I'll keep thinking on this! She is going to have so much fun!

Prencie said...

I'm very new to your blog but I couldn't help to comment:) I totally love the chalk board paint idea and I notice you have a lot of black and white accessories {which I love by the way}. How about you paint the chairs all white and maybe the back rests black and the paint the legs of the table white. Keep the black and white motif going:)Or paint black and white stripes on the table legs, that could be cool. But I hear ya about doing the yellow chairs! That would look killer but if it's going to cause a domino effect than maybe not {unless your ready for a new look or looking for an excuse to change;)}. Good luck!!:)

Silvia C said...

Hi darling, I am new to your blog (thanks for leaving a comment in mine).
How about black and white stripes? It would go with your room, or otherwise green and white stripes to coordinate with your couch...
I love your blog! I'll be back often. Have fun painting.

Leah said...

Loving these ideas so far! I just had a crazy thought... What about a chevron pattern with light pink and darker pink paint.

Brittney Lynne said...

I think the chalkboard black paint is a MUST because let me tell you, she will draw on the table sooner or later:) And how fun for her to have a special place where she actually CAN write on the table! As long as she remembers it's the only table she can draw on haha! If I'm looking at the photos right, her table is sitting near your desk so I was thinking... what if you painted the chairs hot pink (to match Marylin) & the seat of the chairs black to tie in with the table? It might be mod but girly at the same time? Maybe even add vintage seat cushions? I LOVE your yellow idea, but I love your velvet turquoise curtains so much that I think I would be sad to see them go! Whatever you do will be amazing though just like the rest of your house!

Vic said...

Chalkboard paint on the table would be so cute.

Anonymous said...

Hi Leah-
The chalkboard paint is a great idea for the table! And I'm really digging the yellow and white striped fabric. But I also love all the blue you have in the room. What if you painted the chairs a robins egg blue to tie in with what you already have?


Hilary said...

I have done a chalk board table for a little girl that came out great!
She loves it and draws on it all the time.
I also think yellow could really pop in this room with all the blue. I love blue and yellow together.