Sunday, May 30, 2010


Happy Sunday everyone! I thought I would post a few pics real quick before church of my sister's new desk area. I started a new support group for her too.... Make A Decision "Anonymous". I helped her choose this darling lamp out of two that she couldn't decide between. She is way better than me at taking her time returning things she doesn't like and making sure it is exactly what she wants. Me on the other hand I can usually tell if I like something right away. When I go shopping I usually walk through the store and if nothing grabs my eye I will walk right out. However with Goodwill I like to dig sometimes. : ) What kind of a shopper are you?
Isn't my sister's new desk area darling? Way to go sis!
P.S. Sorry I haven't been to all your gorgeous blogs lately! This weekend has been really crazy but I can't wait to show you the table I have finished and all our little adventures!


Jess said...

I love all of the wall decor! :)

Anonymous said...

What a cute space -- I especially love the lamp!

Rachel- Once Upon a Farm said...

LOL over here Leah! You crack me up! When is our first meeting?:):) You know I seriously need it! You are so patient to put up with me!:) Love you dear!

Dennisse Lisseth said...

I love the lamp. Especially the lamp shade. That blue color just has a way of drawing you in.

To answer your question, I'm the type of person that can go to a store and easily spot the things that will work for my home. Rarely do I have to return things.

I hope you have an exceptionally fantabulous weekend.

Kathysue said...

Looking good. I think you need to add your special touch to the desk chair also, I was so impressed with the job you did in your living room. Love the lamp you decided on,it really does look perfect, Happy weekend Kathysue

Poppies and Sunshine said...

I love this! The picture arrangement on the wall looks great and everything! Thanks for sharing :)

Welcome said...

Leah, this is a really cute space...Now that I have finished my office space, I should post pics... Well, as for what kind of shopper I am: Ii generally have an idea of what I want and where I want it...Your sister sounds like my sister. LOL!!


emily said...

The lamp is great -- what a fun shade! The gallery wall is beautiful, and I love the folder/paper organizer on the desk. Beautiful!

Shannon @ What's Up Whimsy said...

I love the art on the wall! And that cute white basket. Nice job!

I think I am a compulsive buyer. I start to freak out when I see something I like and don't really plan out a. where can this go and b. if I can even afford it. I often return things once I get home and realize I probably didn't need to buy that certain item.

Unknown said...

What a cute space! Love her lamp! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Unknown said...

Cute pink plant, love those bird pictures!

Rachel- Once Upon a Farm said...

I was also thinking I need to change out my chair (I've been borrowing it). It would be fun to add some color with the chair too!:)

Leah said...

I totally agree time for another chair makeover!

Rikke said...

Wow, i like it a lot:)
As i always do in here - you have such a great taste!!
Don`t forget our Stylesnob giveaway at Scandinavian Chic:)

Unknown said...

Very sweet space...and I have a very close friend who needs that support group as well! :)

A Flair for Vintage Decor said...

The styling is great! Framed pictures, lamp, organizer on the all looks great!! Wonderful job! I am also one who goes through stores fairly quickly and just try to trust my instincts!

Cashon&Co said...

I love this! it's so happy! that file holder is the best. so feminine. I am a super decisive shopper. If I have to think about something for longer than 30 seconds I don't buy it.

Diana Mieczan said...

Such a pretty space and the lamp adds such a great touch of colour!

Carpe Diem said...

Great choice...I too know right away if I like something, if something will work in a space, and simply it will either speak to my sense of style or not...and I like shopping alone this way I am not influenced by others....which has happened in the past.

Anonymous said...

Great lamp. I'm loving this space.

Olivia said...

I love this!! Is that desk just painted black? or is there a finish on it too? I really want to paint mine. love that basket for the files too!! going to grab some ideas :)