I feel like a bit fat show off showing you all my treasures from my birthday (one small advantage of having very large family). But where else can I gloat? Lol.
Drum roll....... Yay i got the Ikea PS Maskros Pendant lamp!
Thank you so much hubby! I am itching to get it out of the box and put it all together!

Seven jeans from Mom and Dad! Thanks a million you guys, I live in my jeans so might as well be cute ones!
These are little butterfly battery operated tea lights! Aren't they the cutest? I will have to take a pic at night, they are so fun cause they change all different colors. These were from my brother and sister-in-law! Thank you!

Hanging it here.
Cutest fly swatter ever. Love it when you get stuff you know you need but never think to actually buy!
My sweet sister and brother-in-law ordered this necklace for me, but it did not arrive in time. She says it should come by today! So excited to see it in person!

Thank you to all my wonderful family! What would I do or where would I be without you guys?!! Okay I don't even want to think about it because you all mean so so much to me! Love you!
Wow, great gifts! Just a word to the wise - allocate some time to put together the Maskros - there are LOTS of pieces. And tell your hubby to turn off the power to the house before he tries to install. My hubby learned that the hard way...haha.
WOW!! You scored big time! Happy bday! ;)
Happy birthday! You scored! Glad you showed off your items, looks like great goodies. I love the necklace, post a pic when you get it, it looks amazing!
angie took the words right out of my mouth! happy birthday to you!!!
i have been drooling over that ikea pendant lamp every time i go there, it just doesn't fit with our decor, but i drool nonetheless! can't wait to see it hanging in your house!
glad you had a good birthday!
On a different subject I LOVE your entry way with the wedding photos and the baby picture.... I will definitely be stealing this at one point!
You are blessed with a very loving family Leah, and I am so happy for you, sending you love wherever you are on your (after) the b'day :)), xoxo
WoW! What a lucky girl! Love that lamp!
It looks like you got some great stuff Leah! Ok, I did not know it was possible for a fly swatter to be cute...but that one definitely is! Hope your day is great :)
What beautiful gifts!!!
Love the lamp!
I'm so jealous of your Ikea light!!! Like, REALLY jealous! :)
LOVE the necklace!! WOW...gorgeous! And that is the cutest fly swatter ever.
Thanks for the feedback on the header Leah!
The Ikea light will look lovely in the entry way...
Someone got spoilt! Hope you had a wonderful bday. So nice to be surrounded by so many people who love you!
Yay you got the pendant lamp! I'm excited for you. You got so many great treasures!
Yay! I love birthday goodies!
oooh, You made out good!
You really cleaned up! My husband and I were at Ikea a couple of weeks ago and he pointed out that light to me, he thought it would make a dramatic statement "in a younger couple's house, not ours". LOL!
Love the necklace too, you could wear that with literally everything in your wardrobe.
Glad you had such a great birthday.
Oh gosh...I like the fly swatter :) :)
So many great goodies for your birthday!! And I love receiving fresh flowers too! Lucky you that you got not one, but three bouquets!
Wow, you really racked up! Sounds like you had a very wonderful day. I love making birthdays special!
Wow, fabulous gifts!!! LOVE the necklace and the ikea ps lamp!!
I absolutely love that Ikea lamp too! And I'm in super love with your entryway! swoon...
These are awesome gifts. I hope you had a wonderful birthday!
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