For some reason I have been less than inspired to decorate for Christmas and I think it shows. I decided that I needed to look for inspiration! I searched on Deco My Place and found so much Christmas eye candy!
I pretty much am obsessed with finding a white Christmas tree now!

I LOVE the pink splashes!!! and don't worry, I totally feel the same way sometimes :)
That pink Eames Rocker is to DIE FOR!
that last picture makes me want one too!
The white trees always look ideal in homes decorated in light, bright colors. I could definitely see one working in your home.
Gorgeous...we put ours up the other white and blue theme..with a touch of turquoise and orange...for our little guy. Once you start you will be all inspired sweety..enjoy the process :) x
We got a white christmas tree last year at..brace yourself...Walmart. We also purchased a three foot pink tree for the times!
OH MY GOSH I love that kitchen! and i've never liked white christmas trees just because I always think they should be green, but lately I'm starting to change my mind! They're so pretty.
Eye candy?? Definitely =)! We have a white Christmas tree and I love it, I think it makes it easier to use your non-traditional colors, like pink and aqua. Xoxoxo
Oh no! I thought I had decided on a real tree for this year... now I TOTALLY want a white one!
I think your Christmas decor is cute! I love the ornament hanging from the chandelier! BUT I know what you mean about being a perfectionist! A few weeks ago a saw these glittery pinecones at Lowe's that I should've bought because now I can't find them ANYWHERE! All I can find are the potpourri pinecones :( *sigh!*
I love pink but I don't think I can do pink for Christmas - weird yeah? That said, I've been tossing around the idea of introducing blur into our Christmas decor - which 2 years ago I didn't think I could do either!
No need to apologize, I just brought our Christmas stuff out and I don't like any of it....ugh. Those pics look great!
No need for apologies. I just pulled out my Christmas stuff today, and while I love some little things, I'm really NOT LOVING my tree this year. Oh well, that's the great thing about having the decorations up for a can tweak them often!
Darnit, now I want a white tree! That first picture is amazing!
I've been gradually switching from traditional to non-traditional colors for Christmas. It's been taking a few years but I'm enjoying our Christmas decor more and more as I get what I truly love.
I just put up a white tree for the first time this year. I'd been wanting one for a couple of years. I love white trees. These are great images! (I just came over via DecoMyPlace on Facebook.)
~ Jennifer
I'm usually not a huge fan of white trees, but those are cute! I especially like the smaller ones in the last picture! I love the idea of putting them in the kitchen! Lovely!
I got my white tree at Walmart last year for $40!!! It's 6.5' tall and very full, you should check it out :)
I could picture that tree in your living room. :)
These are heavenly, thanks so much my dear for sharing :)
I agree...a white Christmas tree is very tempting now! Take care, Caroline
I love this look. So fun!
i love the hanging ornament garland, what a fab idea!
ME TOO! I have been searching everywhere for a big enough white tree and am almost ready to order online- desperate! That first image may have just sealed the deal- my poor credit card!
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