I am so excited to tell you about a great cause that was brought to my attention by two lovely ladies, Keely from Luxe and Lilies and Lauren from Aspiring Kennedy.
The charity is called My Charity Water and their mission is to bring a water source to every person on the planet. Pretty noble, right? And the good news is: over the past three years- they are doing it. Over 700,000 people have water through their wells.
This organization is great because regardless of religious beliefs, we felt it was hard to argue with the fact that everyone deserves water. No matter what background you come from, this is a need that makes sense... and has a simple solution.
Right now, Charity Water is digging wells in Africa. Each well cost $5000. I was sent an email from a student that had started a fund, and is currently at $4000 of his goal. Once the additional $1000 is raised, 250 people will have a well dug for them- and just like that, their lives will change.
We are hoping to raise enough money to dig a well, giving 250 people fresh water. So please go to this Link and donate today!
Hi Leah,
Stopping by to day I love your decorating. Very cool!! Sounds like a great cause!
Oh Leah.. thats simply awesome.. Such a good cause. Im super impressed..Off to check the link..
anything for a noble cause
i'll definitely go check this out! i love simple, basic causes like this.
xo Alison
What a great cause. Our family likes to make donations in the name of family members at Christmas, this would be a good one.
such an amazing cause :)
Wow. It's so inspiring to read about people making a change. What a great cause.
leah- you are awesome for posting this. THANKS. it's amazing to watch the blogging community get behind something so noble.
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