Have you ever wanted something on Craigslist or anywhere for that matter where you really want something and are trying to get it but the person is not even returning your calls? Well, thats my delima the last couple of days. I totally want this dresser for Evelette's bedroom. She has outgrown her changing table and we could use some more storage. I saw this cute dresser on Craiglist for $40 and I called them and left a message that I would love it for $30 but they won't call me back! Too soon for the "I will hunt you down" message? Lol. On that note like my choice of dresser? I can't decide if I will leave it like this or paint it white. Maybe I will just have to see it in person.... If I can ever get a hold of them!

Via Leah and craigslist
Oh man, what a drag...because that is a beautiful dresser! Maybe they have sold it already? And they are not giving you the courtesy of calling you back? I really hope not because I think it would look great in Evelette's room. Good luck!
ooO! Great find, I hope you manage to track them down!!
The dresser would look fab in white.
That's the worst! I hope they call you back!
Grrrrr...they need to call you back! That dresser is a FIND! Good luck to you!
Hopefully you finally get a hold of them!
I think it'll look fabulous in white, but again you may have to see it in person.
Great dresser, you HAVE to get it! I think it would look great any color, it's a wonderful shape for a dresser and would look good as is, white, or even a darker stain. Definitely start stalking them! I'm having that trouble now with a photographer, I've called her twice and emailed her twice. The first time she responded, but I haven't heard since!!
I hate craigslist for that reason. Also, when you're the seller and have people email asking if it's available and then when you say yes, they never respond further. Maybe, they are hoping to get full price and don't want to respond to you until they have pursued other full price offers??
I've had that happen, tried desperately to buy a sewing machine on Craigslist and they didn't return my emails or phone call. And they listed it a couple times, it was weirdness.
Hope you get the dresser, it's got great lines ... and I vote for painting it white!
Love the L.A.M.B. collection below!
I love and think you should paint it white with glass handles. Maybe call them again "just to follow up" and say that your offer is negotiable. Hope you get it!
that is a great dresser with lots of potensial! it would be fab white~ I love gwen==and her line!
You're highlighted today on [Life of Meg]!! Yay! Thanks for mingling - I hope this brings you new followers! :)
I absolutely love the color of your daughter's room!
I have been going through craigslist withdrawals since moving to a small town:(
I completely understand this. There is a wing chair and matching ottoman that keeps getting reposted, but says pending. I want it for my bedroom. What the heck does pending mean if you keep reposting it? We don't have a "Pending" around here, ya know?
I absolutely love the green color of your green buffet in your header and the color of Ev's room. Would you mind sharing the colors?
It's been my experience that when they don't call you back it means they've already sold it.. Did you mention you would pay them $30 for it on the message you left? If so, that may be the problem.
Super cute blog!! The dressor would look gorgeous either way, but I am voting for white! Hope you get the call back!
It's super cute! Hope you get a call back...soon!
That happens to us all the time...hopefully you will hear back soon that it is available just for you!
Ohh those are so pretty...I hope you will manage to get them:)
ps: I am hosting a great GIVEAWAY, so please join in:) ...I bet you will love it!!!
Yes, that is an adorable dresser with some great bones....hope they get back with you soon...
How frustrating! Maybe it is just fate telling you there is an even better dresser coming your way!
I love your choice of dresser and PRAY they call you back...that is a great deal you can't pass up! I think it would look so perfect in white, especially in her room! PLEASE CALL BACK OH CRAIGSLIST PEOPLE!
HOW FRUSTRATING!!! I hope they call u back, that is such a beautiful dresser!!! xoxo
Great find, I hope you manage to track them down!!I love your choice of dresser and PRAY they call you back...that is a great deal you can't pass up! I think it would look so perfect in white.
So bummed! They finally text me and said that it sold! So sad : (
Stopping over from Mingle Monday! Just wanted to say hello and let you know I'm pretty pumped to find a new blog to follow :) Can't wait to read what's in store!
That's a great piece, hope you get it!
I love the dresser. I hope you got hold of them because I think it must live with you! :)
I'd paint it white. I think it will bring out the classic/timeless look and will look so cute in Evelette's room. I love the colour of the walls and that alphabet picture.
xx C
how annoying, i hope you get it!!
Craigslist is a mixed bag :( But I think this would look amazing in white!
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