Birthday time is here and I am mostly excited just to hear Evelette say "Happy Erday!" We are going out for Mexican (one of my favs) tonight! It is probably going to sound crazy but I can't believe I am turning 24! For the first time I am realizing how fast life all goes!

via we heart it
Hope you all had a great Holiday yesterday and are enjoying another day off! Don't forget to enter my giveaway! I am picking the winner tomorrow!
Hopefully you and I both get one of these! ; )

via Z gallerie
Happy Birthday, and this image is beautiful! Hope you get your owl and more on this day!
Happy Birthday! Hope your trip is fun. I remember going to Florida for my 24th, it was spring break at the time and I felt so much older than all of the college students there. Time does go quickly, especially when you see how quickly your little girl is growing! Happy 24th!
Happy Birthday . . . I remember 24, oh so long ago :) Lovely picture, what a beautiful dress!
Happy birthday! Enjoy your Mexican tonight.XX
Happy Birthday!!! 24 was such a great year- I hope it is an amazing one for you!! xo
Happy birthday! Wow 24. 24 i so long ago for me. haha! Sit back and enjoy it for what it is.. cuz once you hit your 30's, life really zooms! I found my 20's to be a road to discovery and my 30's has just gotten better.. Enjoy your birthday week!! btw, I really enjoyed your 4th of July parade pics. Evelette is so incredibly cute!
Happy Birthday Leah! I hope you have a great day with your family and a wonderful dinner tonight...mmmm, Mexican! xosp
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Leah, May all your wishes come true, love love, xoxo
Happy Birthday! Have a great one!
Happy Birthday! Wonderful picture!
Hope you enjoy your day!
Happy Birthday, Leah! xoxo
woohoo happy birthday!! I thought you were older than 24, not in like an old bad way, but in a mature kind of way, I just assumed you were older than I (I'll be 25 in August). Hope it's a good one for you!
Happy birthday Leah! You're still a baby ;^)
Enjoy your day.
LOVE that picture!! I hope I'm winning tomorrow!!
Now you need to come on over and help me pick out what dress to get!!
Oh, and I forgot the most important: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
Happy Birthday!...gorgeous image posted...inspirational. Have a great day with your loved ones.
Happy Birthday, beautiful girl! I love you!! XOXO
Happy Birthday Leah! Enjoy! I'll be crossing my fingers that you get that cute owl vase ;)
Happy Birthday!!
What a gorgeous picture!
Hope your birthday is amazing!!!
Happy Birthday girl! Hope you have had a great day!
Happy birthday! I am beginning to realize how time flies as well. I looove the picture of the girl. I hope you had a great 4th!
Happy birthday wishes from Paris! Sending you a virtual bottle of champagne.
Thank you so for visiting my blog. I loved reading about you on yours. Your life values are admirable. I see sine in them. A Christian young lady loving life and people around her.
Hugs sister!
Happy birthday!!
ooh, i hope you had a mad fun birthday party! sending you very happy wishes and thoughts :)
Happy, Happy Birthday to you! Hope you had enjoyed your night out...Mexican's my favorite too :)
Happy Erday! (very cute, made me smile!)
Happy Birthday! I hope you had a wonderful fiesta last night!
happy belated birthday!!
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