Hello peoples! I am so frustrated! I have been leaving comments on all of your gorgeous blogs today and then realized non of them are getting published! Darn blogger! lol. I have limited time while the baby takes her morning nap and before my little nephew Marcus gets dropped off for babysitting. I have a super busy day with babysitting, making a huge Asian salad for my mother-in -laws 60th birthday party tonight, and trying to get some stuff done around here! So please forgive my absence and I will get back to your blogs asap! Super duper luvs to you!

Picture of Evelette in her kitchen in our kitchen. : ) For her one year old pics.
Yay now it's working! AHHHH!
Love that photo of Evie!
adorable! Her little kitchen is so cute!
what a doll!!!
That is the cutes picture ever... have fun at party tonite!
I got your comments! Thank you honey! Blogger can be so testy sometimes.....
How adorable is she??? Just too precious for words! :)
So beautiful...love her expression and the color toning.
you're so sweet leah! just focus on having a wonderful day with that adorable little lady of yours!
Your baby princess is so beautiful, and don't worry darling blogger is doing fine now, have a fabulous day, xoxo
aww your baby girl is sooo sweet, Leah! she's a doll! xo
OH goodness she is to die for so cute.
OHHH! How cute is that?! ;)
Love the photo.
Lovely greetings...
Evelette's headband is ADORABLE! What a great age :)
OMG, your daughter is such a little beauty and I love her name! I miss having a little girl to play tea party with.
Oh, I hate when that happens!!
That pic is sooo adorable!! I love the kitchen set in the background :)
clothed much, a modest fashion blog
How do you do it all? Pooh to blogger dropping your comments. I got the one you left on my blog earlier this week, and it was lovely of you -- thank you.
She is so adorable! What a cute idea, the mini kitchen! Yes, blogger sucks so much sometimes. It really does. Boo!
Happy Bithday to your MIL! Love that photo of your daughter, she's adorable.
Lots of bloggy love to you toooooo!
Aw.. so cute. Oh boy.. I have been there and done that! Trying to get things done while baby naps! Ahem, I still have to do that with a 5yo but do things after she goes to sleep at night. : ) Try to take some time for yourself instead of doing things for everyone else! Pamper yourself, you deserve it.
What are you worrying about? Seems like you have the perfect, cutest little helper in your kichten there! Relax... and try to enjoy the weekend. XX
I know what you mean we all love the techno thing until it does not work and then it crashes our world for a day!! Not to worry I know how faithful you are, take care and have a great 4th of July!!!Kathysue
Oh man that is frustrating! Sorry to hear that! Your daughter looks so cute in this picture! It looks like she is saying "get out of the kitchen, I am trying to cook!". ha ha
My computer was down all last week so i've been catching up on all my blogs. Your the second so far to say something about their comments not showing up. I wonder what was going on with blogger???
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