Wednesday, July 14, 2010

So sorry

So sorry my lovely readers, I have been feeling pretty icky sick lately. So in my state of feeling a little blue, here are some pics to cheer us all up! Hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday and I hope to be back in full force soon!


via decorpad


alison (semi-fab lane) said...

these blue images are amazing. hope you feel better soon!

Anonymous said...

aaaww.. I hope you feel better... These images are soooooooo blue.. but lovely.. lovely!!

Shannon @ What's Up Whimsy said...

Feel better! Love the pics!

jemina said...

Oh, Get WELL soon honey, Hugs n Kisses, Jemina, xoxo

Chic Geek said...

I just got over a bug too. Feel better!

Caroline @ The Feminist Housewife said...

Hope that you feel better very soon!!

Lulu said...

The 3rd pic, the tufted headboard, Love It!!

Hope you feel better asap!

Karen said...

Summer is no time to be sick. Hope you feel better soon.

Megan said...

I love all those bright blues, you definitely cheered up my morning!

I hope you feel better!!

Lauren said...

Feel better soon! I love the surprise blue trim photo!

Cassie {Hi Sugarplum} said...

Feel better soon!!

The Everett Seven said...

So sorry your not feeling well!
Hope you get rest and are feeling better today!

Anaiz said...

I love that first bedroom, what a great color. Hope you feel better soon!

Unknown said...

Get lots of rest, hoping you feel better soon!

Love room # 2 :)

Anonymous said...

So sorry you are feeling under the weather. These are lovely settings, very sweet and peaceful, not to mention super pretty
Feel better soon.
*get well kisses* HH

Kristen said...


Jen said...

Sick? Oh Sweetie, that's too bad. Never fun!! :-(

But these pics? Gorgeous!! Love all these different shades. I can't believe how much inspriation is in this one post!

Sharstin said...

i am so obsessed with blue--these are all gorgeous! hope you get feeling better soon~

Jade @ Flip Flops + Pearls Design said...

So many beautiful shades of blue! Hope you are feeling better!

Ludmila {} said...

beautiful pictures! get well soon, Leah! xoxo

Poppies and Sunshine said...

Gorgeous pictures! I can't pick a favorite. They are all fab. I hope you feel better soon! Hugs!

Unknown said...

Hope you feel better soon! Love the wallpaper in the 3rd photo and the armoire in the 5th.

Stephanie said...

Aww, hope you're feeling better! I think I swooned over every image you posted... then reread it and swooned again! Absolutely beautiful!

Unknown said...

Hope you're feeling better soon! If it makes you feel better though.. your choices of blue interiors are superb! I especially love the 2nd pic from the top. I want to cocoon myself in that room now! Get well Leah...

Mande said...

Hope you feel better girlie. I am under the weather today too. Has been a rough few days. Get well!! xo

melli said...

Awww hope your feeling better soon miss Leah xxxx

emily said...

Love all the photos! Hope you are feeling better!

Angie said...

Great photos!!! I hope you feel better soon! ;)