I love babies so much I just can't stand it sometimes! This is a picture of my sweet baby nephew Marcus (who is exactly one year younger than Evelette) and my daughter Evelette. I babysit him three days a week while his Mommy goes to work. He absolutely loves to be moving so I for see many many walks this Summer!
Here's Evie playing around wearing Mr. Potato head glasses! I love her sense of humor, she totally cracks me up. It's amazing to watch her learn and grow, it's the most amazing thing. We would love to have a lot more babies and Richard and I are trying to get pregnant again. It hasn't been the easiest thing for us with two miscarriages (one right before getting pregnant with Evelette) and one a couple of months ago. If you think of us here and there, please say a little prayer. It is my hearts desire to be a Mama to many and we hope to adopt as well.
You are in my thoughts. I just had a miscarriage a couple weeks ago, and I'm so worried about not being able to have another baby...(my son is 1 years old).
Best wishes!
These photos are so precious. It made me happy to read of a fellow mommy who wants to have many babies:) My husband and I are hoping the same! It would be amazing to adopt too. Children just make your heart grow.
They're both so adorable! It's great that the cousins are close in age. They'll be able to play with each other and end up being close later on as well. Lovely!
Ahhhhhhh, second baby fever...I have it!! Adorable pics!!
They are so cute! Children are such little blessings, and I can't wait to have some of my own as well (we are trying too!). So sorry to hear about your miscarriages. I just keep telling myself that it's all in God's timing. I'll keep you in my prayers!
I love these photos! I'll be praying for you. God has his perfect plans working in your life, just remember that. =) Hugs girl!
this post is so amazingly heartfelt, i feel your pain, and sending love your way. i love the pictures of your daughter with Mr Potato head's glasses, she's the cutest, and your nephew, he looks so adorable, and yes, i love babies too, have a fabulous weekend love, XOXO
You know my story Leah, so I won't get into it here. But I sometimes( many times) find it interesting that there are some people that can just look at each other and get pregnant and others have to have a stare contest before it happens.
too cute! I love babies in pj's
Absolute smile! Too cute! Thanks!
Sweet little beauties!! I needed this happy post today. Hope you have a beautiful Sunday!!
Hang in there Leah, it will happen. You family is in my prayers...and little Evie is just sooo cute!
aw thanks for your nice comment! hope you had a good weekend....those glasses kill me, that is hilarious :)
Oh those glasses are so cute!
Aww, Leah, you have a beautiful little girlie there and I know will be blessed with many more :)
Hope you had a wonderful weekend!!
Aw adorable!
I think I have the cutest neice and nephew EVER! Evie is such a crack up! You are a mother through and through and I KNOW you will be blessed with many more children! We are praying Leah! Love you so much!
They look like 2 peas in a pod. She looks like she has so much personality.
Great pictures! Love the quote from your sister too!
How is it that so many adorable kids could come from the same family! They are just too cute:) I will be praying that MORE bundles of joy will soon bless your marriage!
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