Saturday, June 26, 2010

Saturday Morning Bliss

Some fresh flowers, a Starbucks coffee, the new issue of Elle Decor (finally came in the mail), and a cute new bottle to go on my desk. Ahh love!


jemina said...

The bottle is really cute, and the flowers, may i know what they are? they look like carnation to me? as for the mag, please share if you find interesting pieces there, happy weekend to you, XOXO

Leah said...

Yes they are white carnations from my yard! My Mom got me a plant last year and they bloom like crazy, I just love them!

Ren- Lady Of The Arts said...

great morning!

Poppies and Sunshine said...

A perfect Saturday morning! I love the blue and white teapot!

jemina said...

thanks for the reply, how beautiful your carnations are, I hardly see them here in Singapore, you are so lucky to be blessed by them abundantly, much love to you, Jemina, XOXO

Prencie said...

Aahhh! My kind of Saturday morning!;) I never mentioned this but my parents have that same {or very similar} desk that your computer is on!

and flowers pick themselves said...

sounds perfect! i could use a skinny vanilla latte right now.


xo Alison

Welcome said...

Happy Saturday!!! Looks like you've got today all taken care of..


Angie said...

Great way to start a day!!!

Simone - honeyandfizz said...

Good morning Leah, love your first pic. Such a pretty corner in your home xx

carla said...

All of that sounds like BLISS! I like your desk. My husband picked up an old desk someone through out. I am not sure quite what to do with it. Check it out:

Lindsey said...

I LOVE Elle Decor!!!

Will @ Bright.Bazaar said...

Starbucks and a shelter mag? Girl after my own heart...!!

Bridget said...

its the little things!

Anonymous said...'s the little things in life to be thankful for. Looks like a great weekend!


Jade @ Flip Flops + Pearls Design said...

Just stumbled upon your blog...I love it! I love your idea of a perfect Saturday's mine too! You got a new follower in me :)