Monday, October 4, 2010

I miss this!!!

I miss Tori and Deans show! Can't wait till the new season! How about you?


Unknown said...

I've never watched this show.. Oh my goodness, what happened to Tori?

Unknown said...

I *love* this show and even called it a guily pleasure on my blog a few times. Unfortunately we made our move to Tokyo the week before the last season finale. I never got to see the garden room re-do or the vow renewal. Boo hoo!

I think we get Oxygen on our Apple TV, but could you tell me if T&D are coming back sometime soon? If so I'll have to order the new season!!

Love the McDermotts and all their craziness. Now if Tori would just pack on a few pounds...

Anna Walker said...

I have never seen this show, but Tori has been looking skeletal lately...(Yes that's what I notice) :)

I love those curtains in the background though! They're lovely! :)

Oh and I have always thought Dean was cute! :)

Anonymous said...

One of my favorites!

Jade @ Flip Flops + Pearls Design said...

I love this show! When is it coming back on? It's so nice to see a celebrity dealing with the same problems regular moms deal with!!

Nattie said...

I haven't watch this yet?! totally should watch it! love reality tv show :)

Rachel said...

OMG LOVE this show. When does it start back?! It's totally my guilty pleasure. Tori is my favorite. And seriously, those kids are PRECIOUS. Can't wait.

Anonymous said...

Umm, yes! It's one of my absolute faves! When does the new season start? Can't wait!


Flavia @ Estilo Home said...

OMG, I love this show! I can't wait till it comes back on. I'm dying to get a better look at the redesigned family room.

Kirsten Krason said...

LOVE that show!

Carpe Diem said...

I love what she did with her family room. She has a great sense of design...which I'm not entirely surprised.

Jackie said...

Yes, I love Tori & Dena too. It gives my life meaning ;) No, but really she is just so funny and I love her style.

Rikke said...

I know - I watched it too..but here in Norway they stopped sending it:(Waiting for a new season to come back:)

Izzy said...

I've never seen it, but I've heard good things, I might check it out when it comes back on! :D

Cherish Stockdale said...

I love Tori & Dean!!